
Empowering a nonprofit to support a wider youth community with secure, scalable tech

How Davin Tech Group transformed a nonprofit’s IT systems, improved data security, and set their team up for greater impact.

Woman holding love sign


Human Services

Company HQ


Number of Employees

50-100 employees

Client Since


Revamping a nonprofit’s legacy IT systems supporting thousands of community members

For a nonprofit serving the unhoused or unstably housed youth community in northwest Washington since the 70s, providing housing support, employment opportunities, and more is their mission. 

As this nonprofit team navigated outdated technology systems, they ran into roadblocks in operations, preventing them from doing the incredible work they do. By partnering with our team at Davin Tech Group, they’ve been able to modernize their technology, secure their data, and confidently grow their organization knowing their tech won’t hold them back.

The challenge
Rethink outdated tech and nonprofit cybersecurity

“Before we started working with Davin Tech Group, we were in pretty bad condition. All of our equipment was obsolete. We would often lose either our server or internet services and have staff down for a couple of days at a time,” shared Dianne, Senior Director of Finance and Operations. “Everything was pretty much just a patchwork. We’d basically patch it together for the smallest amount of money, cross our fingers, hold our breath, and see what happened.” 

In addition to feeling insecure about their outdated systems, they’d experienced a data breach and wanted complete confidence in their cybersecurity moving forward. “Keeping data secured for staff and young people is important to us,” added Jason, Executive Director.

In 2019, an interim executive director who had worked with Davin Tech Group in the past suggested giving them a call. After bringing on the Davin team, they found a partner they could depend on.

“Before working with Davin, we were in bad shape. We would lose access to our server and network for days. Everything was a patchwork.”

The goals
Modernize tech systems, secure data, and build a strategic IT plan

In working with a comprehensive IT services and management solutions partner, this nonprofit wanted to achieve a few goals — modernize IT infrastructure, create a strategic plan, and secure data, with ongoing access to expert IT support, consulting, and leadership. The team wanted to make sure that they could protect their client and donor data, while continuously improving the quality of their agency’s operations and technology systems.

The solution
Partner with an expert IT management and strategy team

To address their tech needs, we mapped out a strategic IT management plan by evaluating existing risks and understanding their short-term and long-term goals to provide recommendations for new technology. We moved their key systems and data from an on-premise server infrastructure to modern and secure cloud platforms, eliminating the need for on-site servers. We set the team up with flexible, cost-effective, scalable tech systems to improve access to data, secure connectivity, and enable a work from anywhere approach so they could better connect with youth in the community.

The process
Update technology and plan an IT strategy with the help of an ongoing “think partner”

Throughout the process of working with their group, we became a core part of the team. “Having a professional resource for our staff to connect with directly was really important. Trying to [navigate IT] internally, it’s just not very efficient. The work we’re doing is important and we don’t need technology to stand in our way,” said Dianne. 

“Our team appreciated having Corey and his team as a ‘think partner’ when we were trying to implement new software. They worked hand-in-hand with us and I felt like we were their only client. They were very thorough, available, and trustworthy. That partnership was a huge asset for us.”

“The work we’re doing is important and we don’t need technology to stand in our way.”

The outcome
Safer, scalable systems the team can trust

Working with Davin Tech Group was more than just outsourcing IT services, it was a partnership. “The strategic planning and knowing that [Davin Tech Group] was leading the way was really important. Leading IT in partnership was huge. Before Davin, there wasn’t a path forward. Working with Corey and his team allowed us to trust the process, knowing it will be impactful in the end,” shared Jason. 

“Before Davin, there wasn’t a path forward. Working with their dedicated team allowed us to trust the process, knowing it will be impactful in the end.”

The results
The impact of Davin Tech Group’s partnership

“Especially for someone brand new to the executive director level, knowing that I didn’t have to worry about IT, and that it was being taken care of, allowed me to focus on other important objectives,” Jason reflected. Before working with Davin Tech Group, the team “had a lot of anxiety,” but with our team, there was quality, trust, and customer service, which went a long way with their nonprofit. 

After partnering with Davin Tech Group, this nonprofit was able to achieve:

  • Improved data security
  • Peace of mind surrounding data privacy and tech systems
  • New grants and opportunities
  • Growth on their team, even hiring a former program member
  • A strategic nonprofit IT management plan

As the team expands, so does their ability to reach more communities and help more young people gain independence.

“Knowing that I didn’t have to worry about IT allowed me to focus on other important objectives.”

We’re grateful to be a part of supporting this incredible nonprofit organization in delivering services, fostering growth, and providing opportunities to the youth community.

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