
Building streamlined systems to improve a remote biotech’s operations, partnerships, and cybersecurity

Learn how Davin Tech Group improved the strategic IT management of a tech company and built a strong cybersecurity program to support their global team.



Company HQ


Number of Employees

10-25 employees

Client Since


Founded in 2018, a biotech company has been busy working to transform the drug development space with a new technology platform that allows them to leverage its unique capabilities to develop brand new oral therapeutics. Their primary mission is to improve patient outcomes by increasing drug safety, adherence, and efficacy with wider access to oral therapies.

“We give the patients the opportunity to take their drugs as oral medicines instead of as injections,” says Maureen, Chief Executive Officer. “We have a technology platform where we partner with biotech and pharma companies and [we] take drugs that we normally require to be given by needle, and make them into tablets or capsules.”

Currently in the early startup stage, this tech company’s small team of eight are international — with team members spread across two different geographic locations and time zones. With a highly focused mission and widespread team, they came to us here at Davin Tech Group seeking comprehensive IT support so they could securely continue their important work.

By partnering with our team, we’ve improved their IT management and built out an implementation and cybersecurity strategy that allows them to focus on developing key partnerships and continue their work in the biotech and pharmaceutical spaces.

The challenge
Improve IT operations and revamp biotech cybersecurity

“We were using [an IT provider] previously and we weren’t 100% satisfied with the service we were being offered,” Maureen says. “So some of the people in the team in Cambridge [did] some searching around [for new outsourced IT services].” 

They not only required IT support from a dedicated team they could trust, but they needed a partner who would be able to expand their IT operations in the future as needed and who could work to shape their cybersecurity. Their shortlist led them to our team at Davin Tech Group a year ago, where they found a trustworthy, responsive partner.

“[We’re] coming up on about a year since we started working with Davin Tech Group and revamping the system,” Maureen says. “The support they offer, from an IT perspective, means that I don’t have to talk to them very often because I don’t have any problems. And [that] means that our organization can function properly which is even more important when you’re a small company [with] eight people across two different time zones. Davin Tech Group is very competent and I feel confident that we’re appropriately covered with what we have in place now.”

The goals
General organizational IT support, more efficient staffing operations, and better security

 By partnering with our IT consulting and service team, this biotech company had a few goals to achieve — provide their global team with effective, comprehensive IT support, establish a mature cybersecurity program that protects their external communications with biotech and pharmaceutical partners, and consolidate operations like procurement, staff onboarding and offboarding, and system implementation that will allow for future growth. 

While the company is more focused on consolidation currently, they wanted to be able to protect their sensitive partner data and communications and set themselves up with a strong IT management and strategy that would carry them into the future.

The solution
Revamp existing IT systems and strategize on cybersecurity with a trusted partner

Our partnership began with an audit of existing processes and tools, a strategy for updates and ongoing needs, and a revamp of their IT systems across the board. We collaborated to identify key priorities and brought suggestions to the table for rethinking IT management, cybersecurity, and systems implementation moving forward for their startup company. 

Following that, we set to work building out a strategy for implementing best-in-class systems and a mature cybersecurity program that would provide their global team with completely secure external collaboration with their partners. We took over IT support for their staff as well, improving a number of processes including procurement and staff onboarding and offboarding.

“Because we do biotech and pharma partnerships, we have a lot of external communications with our partners. It’s really important that we’ve got good security.”

The process
Take over all IT support services and provide ongoing cybersecurity and systems implementation

Over the last year of our partnership with their company, we have become a dedicated partner in the day-to-day management and support of their IT operations and cybersecurity. ”When we decided to switch IT providers, we decided with Corey, Mike, and the [DTG] team that they’re exactly the type of company we want to work with because they’re competent in what they’re doing.” Maureen says.

“I know when they make suggestions, it’s knowledge-based suggestions. That’s what it’s all about in a small company. I don’t think about [Davin] as a separate company, I think of [our partnership] as being integrated together.”

 “[They’ve got] excellent response times as well. So even if there’s any questions I have, they automatically come back,” shares Maureen. “And if they don’t know the answer to something immediately, it’s very clear about ‘I’ll get back to you by x, y, z.’ The communication is very good.”

The outcome
Improved, responsive IT support and security for a small global biotech team

Across a year of partnership, we have been able to improve this tech company’s IT operations, build out strong, long-term IT systems and implementation strategies, and implement strong cybersecurity measures so there’s never any worry about partner communications being unsecured — all with the intent to support this startup well into the future.

“In the last year, the relationship really evolved in them taking [our company] over as a client, checking what we’ve got, telling us what needs to be changed immediately, and also giving guidance about how we can improve,” Maureen says. 

“I think it’s very important to work with a company with startup experience […] because they can help you build right,” shares Maureen. “I think it’s also important to have that type of relationship [and] responsiveness for a small company.Anyone that I work with that provides a very important service like [DTG’s IT support and management] for the organization, it’s important that the trust is there and that there’s good team dynamics.”

The results
A reliable partnership and proactive IT management

”The thing I would say about [DTG] that I noticed is quite different about this team, is that I’ve worked with a lot of IT groups over my nine years in university and 23 in biotech and pharma,” Maureen notes. “There’s a very nice open relationship with them that [makes you feel like] no question is stupid. You don’t feel like that.” With our team, they’ve found a supportive IT partner that allows them to focus on their main goals and priorities.

“They’re also very friendly people. And again, the manner is they seem calm, friendly, and patient. That’s important to have in the company that you are trusting to keep your IT system and your organization safe.”

“The reason that you use agencies like [Davin Tech Group] is to streamline your process.”

Through our team’s responsive IT support, this company will be able to confidently continue their important work in developing new oral therapeutics for patients knowing that IT improvements are in place and their work is secure with an effective cybersecurity program. “I only have positive things to say about my experience to date with the team.”

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